Wednesday, July 22, 2015

What is Love?

Throughout our lives, we've been fed all sorts of nonsensical quotes about what love is, but I don't buy any of them. I've come up with my own quote. Love is eating your lover's feces. If a man refuses to eat your feces, it means he doesn't love you. It's that simple. However, I'm not gonna eat your feces, or drink your diarrhea, because I don't love you. I just want your good genetics. I just want your baby, so I can nurture him to become a pro gamer, and hopefully win the League of Legends Summoner's Cup. Trust me. Love doesn't exist. Love is just an illusion taught to us, so that we will have a reason to make babies that will grow up to be slaves to the illuminati/globalists/elites. The elites will keep feeding us Justin Bieber to keep us believing in love, romance and all the other lies that they've been feeding us since we were born. The elites want us to struggle for meager salaries, and pay exorbitant taxes, so that they can live in huge mansions, drive Mercedes Benz, wear Rolex watches, and have orgies with the hottest women on this planet. I always tell people, "Love is an illusion, Marriage is just a contract, and Happiness is a warm gun".

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