Friday, July 17, 2015

Ideological Segragation

The globalist wants to cull population, right? I feel the US should have facilities to put people to sleep (for free), i.e., people who are tired of living, i.e. People like me who's suffering psychological trauma. The globalist wants to make people more manageable, right? Start a controlled environment for people who want a safe and secure life. Not everyone wants freedom. Some just wanna go to work, go home, eat delivery/microwave food, workout, and sleep. I workout in my condo by walking up the stairs (9 floors), 4 times per workout, 2 workouts per week. I walk to class twice a week. I don't smoke, drink, party, or womanize. I can record my games and upload them to my Youtube Channel, like Trick2G and Anklespankin. I'm quite sure "simple life" Americans would like to live together in a controlled environment, and be segregated from the "rebellious", "freedom-loving", and "cowboy-like" Americans who prefer to drive around with their guns, uzis, and AK47s, and have bar fights, street fights, street racing, and drug orgies. The controlled environment zone would have every citizen wearing Google glass when they're in public places. Every citizen will be a surveillance camera, and loitering will be strictly forbidden, which helps deter crime. I believe this would help America step up its economy once again. Birds of the same feather flock together. If "simple life" Americans are forced to live among "cowboy-like" Americans, they won't feel secure, and have no control of their destiny. They don't know when they will encounter a road rage or mugging, or be abducted, or tortured to death. They don't even have faith in authority cos there are corrupt police officers, and dangerous prisons where prisoners murder and torture each other. They won't have the motivation to work hard, build their career, or raise a good old American family, becos they don't know when everything will be taken away from them. I'm not suggesting ethnic segregation. It's ideological segregation.

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