Thursday, January 14, 2016

Gimp Masks for US Troops

I have a recommendation for all the US Navy Seals, Marines, and Troops who are suicidal after returning from service. You guys probably find it impossible to function in society after you suffered in war zones. You guys can no longer smile or talk like normal human beings, right? You can still have sex with your girlfriends and wives while having an angry "war zone" facial expression. Just wear a gimp mask during sex, so she can't see your scary face. There's also a zipper if you need to use your mouth for...well...I'm sure Americans know what the mouth is for.

Friday, August 21, 2015

More Proof That Love Doesn't Exist

Since birth, I've been brainwashed and fed lies. I'm here to feed you reality, so you won't suffer psychological trauma when you grow older. Today, I wanna talk about facial mutilation. It can happen to you by accident, or by psycho killers. Imagine if you had a boyfriend/hubby, and then you get facial mutilated, and became ugly. Your lover will probably dump/divorce you, and you won't be able to function in society anymore. This is the kind of stuff I think about and study everyday. Like I said, love doesn't exist. Please do not live in a fantasy world. Not every man is Chris Medina.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


I think society needs to understand that some people are incapable of smiling like a normal human being. I have mentally conditioned myself to the point where I no longer believe in love, romance, or sex, and I see human beings as viruses. I always stay home, and try to avoid humans, so my face has evolved to the point where I can no longer smile or talk to people without looking like a sadistic serial killer. That's why I wear sunglasses to cover my evil eyes. In Vietnam, the US Navy Seals used hand gestures to communicate. Seals are emotionless. They do not talk, smile, laugh, or cry. They're mentally conditioned to do one thing only. To kill.

Monday, August 17, 2015

America Needs More Public Housing

I believe America needs more public housing to curb homelessness, and increase home-ownership. Since the architect has to draw up only one blueprint, it's much cheaper when you mass construct thousands of identical high-rise residential blocks. Some people complain that public housing is boring and lacks individuality. That's OK, cos most people don't give a wooden nickel about individuality. They just need shelter, food, water, electricity, and internet. I invented public housing, and Singapore liked my idea. As of 2013, 80% of Singapore's resident population live in public housing.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Bernie Sanders For President

Dear Humanity, We need politicians who care about the dignity of the people, not politicians who only care about money and power. Please vote U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders for president. Heaven & hell are right here on Earth. We choose whether we wanna live in heaven or hell. If you wanna live in hell, please do not have kids and put them through hell. Just stop reproducing, and let humans become extinct. Thank You.

Friday, August 14, 2015

What Is A "Serious" Girl

I believe that you're the "serious" type of girl, so you might want a "serious" American boyfriend/hubby who doesn't indulge in love, romance, or sex. That's because you're half Russian, and Russians are generally "serious" people. You want a man who believes that marriage revolves around raising a child to become famous or talented like you. You might want someone similar to me. Here are my characteristics: I won't require you to kiss me, hug me, or hold my hand. I'm OK with IN VITRO fertilization, so you don't even need to have sex, as long as you allow me to masturbate once a fortnight. I masturbate to prevent prostate cancer, and occasional "wet dreams". We don't even have to sleep together in the same bed. We can sleep in different bedrooms too. I'm more interested in teaching my child how to eat right, swim, and play League of Legends.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The Russian Sleep Experiment

Have you heard of the "Russian Sleep Experiment"? I think scientists should find a way to eradicate the need for sleep, so that we can work 24 hours a day, and be better slaves to the illuminati. If we don't need sleep, we don't need homes either. We can just shower at public restrooms, and eat canned tuna, wholegrain bread, and apples.